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BSSDF [EtherGuide Systems Glossary]

BSSDF is the acronym used by EtherGuide Systems for the Broadcast Simple Schedule Data format that is supported by all EtherGuide systems that process or exchange EPG and related information about television channels, "tv programs" and shows.

BSSDF is intended by EtherGuide Systems as the lowest-common denominator in schedule information exchanges. BSSDF is supported by all EtherGuide Systems devices that process EPG and related information.

A BSSDF data exchange is expressed in the form of a message or a file that is constructed as one or more lines of comma-separated-values.

This is part of a BSSDF message.

add\PsipEvent\0007\5-1\2008-04-14T04:00:00\3540\DEMOCRACY NOW\TV-MA\\\\
add\PsipEvent\0007\5-1\2008-04-14T05:00:00\1800\PAID PROGRAM\TV-MA\\\\
add\PsipEvent\0007\5-1\2008-04-14T05:30:00\1800\ONE ON ONE\TV-MA\\\\
add\PsipEvent\0007\5-1\2008-04-14T06:00:00\1800\PAID PROGRAM\TV-MA\\\\
add\PsipEvent\0007\5-1\2008-04-14T06:30:00\1800\KENNETH COPELAND\TV-MA\\\\
add\PsipEvent\0007\5-1\2008-04-14T07:00:00\1800\PAID PROGRAM\TV-MA\\\\
add\PsipEvent\0007\5-1\2008-04-14T07:30:00\1800\PAID PROGRAM\TV-MA\\\\
add\PsipEvent\0007\5-1\2008-04-14T08:00:00\3600\THE MORNING SHOW W/MIKE & JULI\TV-MA\\\\


The first line of this message tells the receiving device to add a PsipEvent row in its database. That event will reference tsid = 7 and virtual channel number 5-1, and is to start at 4:00 AM (UTC) on the morning of April 14, 2008, and the published length of the airing is 3540 seconds, or :20 short of 30 minutes. That program event is titled "Democracy Now", carries a TV-MA rating, and no description or other information is provided.


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